Author Royalty and Payouts

When you publish your book with pandulipi publishing we ensure you get best in class author royalty at each book selling.

How is author royalty calculated?

Before 1st April, 2022 author royalty was paid on the PERCENTAGE on NET PROFIT (PNP) basis. From 1st April, 2022 our new simplified author royalty model has been adopted. Authors now get 10% of the MRP as Author Royalty per successful sale for both paperback and hard cover books.

Author royalty Payouts

Royalty is paid on half-yearly basis. Author Royalty is paid on first week of January and on first week of July every year.

Author Royalty Tracking

We believe in transparency. Every author is provided a personalized, private (password protected} royalty tracking page. On successful sales, the royalty is automatically updated on the page from where author can keep track of his own author royalty pending status. Post sale, it may take days to get the royalty updated on the same.

Password protected author royalty tracking page for transparency

Production cost of a Book

As we are LOW VOLUME PUBLISHER, to minimize any financial burden on any counterpart (both Publisher & author), we print small chunks but multiple times as per requirement and market demands. This obviously costs an overhead, but rather than investing a lot of money at once, many author prefer this model. The printing cost goes a bit high with us but its worth considering the very low one time investment from authors end. We are loved by many due to our simplified model.

Production cost of a book consist of many components. From a birds eye view, the production cost includes following counterparts:

  1. Printing media & Printing cost
  2. Cover design
  3. Cover printing & Makeovers
  4. Inner Illustration Printing & makeovers (If required)
  5. Binding
  6. Handling Charges during production

Authors copy apart from complementary copies

Authors are entitled to purchase copies of their books at subsidized prices. The subsidized price is derived after adding the Production Cost of and the applicable Handling & Distribution Charges.




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A pre-order is a book sale made in advance of publication. As a publisher, pre-order happen when we enable readers to purchase a upcomming book in advance.

Readers don’t receive their book until launch day, In case of ebook, when the digital book will automatically appear on their e-reader account on our site or downloadable link will pop in. In case of paper book (Physical Book) physical copy will drop through the mail immediately after the day of launch.

Author royalty on Pre Booking

As pre booking goes on a heavily discounted price, Author in this case is not entitled to 10% on MRP scheme. After the deduction of all overheads along with production cost, almost all the rest amount is transferred to author as a FIRST PAYOUT GIFT to the author. Amount is solely decided by our expert team and their decision is final in this regard.