Rules & Regulations
Submissions should be
- in English and within 450 words.
- writer’s sole creation, unique in their storyline, and not copied or modified from any existing source.
- unpublished and uncovered in any published / printed media/ book/ magazine or any other form. Writers will be held responsible for any discrepencies held regarding in future.
- revolving around a central educational moral teaching.
- written in a flow that is Lucid and acceptable by the kids standard.
Maximum submission by a contestant
A contestant can submit at a max of 5 (five) submissions. All in different story line and flavor.
Last Date of Submission
The Last date of submission is 21st April, 2023 11:59 PM IST. Any entries after that will be treated as rejected for the contest.
Award and Recognition
Best three submissions will be rewarded and authors will be recognized and honored with memento and certificate. The result will be declared on our website and on our FB page. We will personally contact the winning authors. Please keep track on our FB page and website. You can follow our FB Page to be informed automatically.
Further Actions
Best selected stories will qualify for a compiled Kids illustrated book which will be published by us in near future. All the authors whose submissions will qualify for the compilation will be personally notified and post publication they will receive a complementary copy of the same from our end.
Please note that there will be no royalty scheme entitled to the contestant.
How to send the submissions
Send your submissions to via email. Write Kids short story contest in subject line and your name.
in the body also add your short bio (3 to 4 line) and your contact number (preferably Whatsapp number) and full postal address with pincode.
Any discrepancy in address is contestant’s sole responsibility.
For multiple entries, mark them with number.
By submitting any entry it is automatically considered that you have gone through all the rules and regulations and you abide by every terms and conditions mentioned above.